Purple Penumbra Welcomes You


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Fine Fine Fine

So I will post in here every few months Just to make myself feel better. I haven't been on here in so long, and I was mad to find some of the videos I have linked have been deleted! What the heck! Can't people maintain their internet longevity? Obviously not.

So, This is the year right before the year that I graduate, and I have to do some big things. I am excited to have come this far in my life and in my program. it is about damn time.

So this blog post is dedicated to #nonfastingmuslims as well. I am so excited to be participating and am learning some interesting things about myself on the journey. I will post about my journey periodically.

I am fasting; to become closer to my creator, for the people who are hungry and dying all over the world, especially in the horn of Africa, against the hatred that spews forth against the Muslim faith, and for my mom. I love her.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

So I guess this means...

Apparently I only like to write once every six months on here. That is okay though let's see if I can do a recap

January- I can't even remember. It was five months ago.

February- I am sure something happened...What though?

March- A wonderful trip to New Orleans to see the Dream...

That's right. He is my dream.

He doesn't like me at all or know that I am alive in that way...in that purely lustful way, but he is the dream nonetheless. I woke up anxious on the Thursday morning of the first full day of my New Orleans activities, ready to see him and hang out with him. Of course that didn't happen because most of what I believed about him was a dream- a purely laughable fantasy. But the few moments I did have with him, they will last until whenever I do get to see him again...

April- 30th Birthday. Lame. But I looked great. This College Town is not the place to turn thirty, but it is the place to do great research, so I will be here doing that.

May- Montreal and the new him. He is getting old fast though, he doesn't want me to think he wants sex but all he talks about is sex. Blah. Too old for it now. Want someone interested in me. Not just these curves, hips, and breasts. Trust me. I know they're awesome.

June- ? Let's see what will come. I am holding out for something bigger and better. Always!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Officially Ridiculous 2011

That is just the name of the post for not posting on my blog in forever. *sigh*

It is also my new outlook for 2011. This past year was a doozy, and while I always try to maintain a positive outlook on things, I have got to have a calmer, more productive 2011. I have got to stay away from the DRAMA, and I have got to DO BIG THINGS, like I have always wanted to do. So, I am declaring any feelings of fear, doubt, or inadequacy officially RIDICULOUS.

It is officially ridiculous to think that I have to live in fear that the great thing that I want to do may fail. It is time for me to get over that and get to living.

It is officially ridiculous for me to think that I will die and old maid. If I want to get married, I can, and I can find a great person to be with. Fear of dying alone, be gone.

It is officially ridiculous to believe all of what is said about successful minority women. Officially. We are successful and awesome, and it is time for us to have a good rap for all the great things we do in this world, without our personal lives being torn to shreds.

It is officially ridiculous for me to feel like I can't wear whatever I want. Skinny bitches be damned! One of the steps towards loving my body is seeing it, working on what I don't like so much, and most important of all, loving the fact that I am living and have a body. A pretty awesome one at that.

It is officially ridiculous for me to doubt my intelligence. I am smart, I am pretty, and I think most important of all, I have an attractive persona. A deadly combination. And yes, I know what to do with most of it, and am working real hard on handling the rest!!

It is officially ridiculous to let anyone, man or woman, treat me like they deserve anything more from me than what they give. I can be cordial and nice with the best of them, but you don't deserve the best of me automatically.

It is officially ridiculous for me to think so goddamn small, and kill all of my dreams before they even leave my head. If you try and fail, then so what? What is the worst that could happen? And if worst comes to worst, it is ridiculous to think that it is all over. It's also ridiculous not to have an 'exit, reboot, and rebuild' strategy.

It is officially ridiculous for me to think that I shouldn't be talking myself into all the good things that I can see, and believe in. Negative self talk is for losers and cry babies. Positive self talk is for those who love themselves and others.

I am officially ridiculous for being scared of being 30. I have accomplished so much in 30 years.

It is officially absolutely ridiculous not to be thankful for every year I am fortunate enough to live, every word that I am lucky enough to communicate, and ever memory that I am blessed enough to remember. Good or Bad, I am alive, living, and kind of loving it.

It is officially ridiculous for me not to look at myself as a major asset-- to myself, my community, my loved ones, my significant other, and to the world at large. I am awesome yes, but I am also very valuable.

It is absolutely ridiculous to spend another moment doubting any of the above.

"Now, go take on the day" -Dr. Laura